Why does sales training fail?

Why does sales training fail?

Do you know why sales training fails?Well actually, it’s the same reasons that any training fails.The delegates turn up, they do the course, they love it (well, they love my courses 😉!) and leave full of enthusiasm and positivity.Then what?Often a big fat...
Use some magical words and sell more!!!

Use some magical words and sell more!!!

Words are incredibly powerful – the words you say to your customers (and the words you hear from others) have more influence than you probably imagine. Hypnotists know this, as do NLP practitioners.NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. “Neuro” means relating to...
Is Chat GPT useful in sales?

Is Chat GPT useful in sales?

Chat GPT is probably the best known of the AI that is out there and I do believe their is a place for it in sales. However, it doesn’t always get it right:Whilst playing around with ChatGPT this past weekend, I gave it the following instructions:”Create a...
Why is ‘sales’ called that?

Why is ‘sales’ called that?

So, have you ever wondered why we call it ‘sales’? Well it turns out that the word comes from the Germanic and Old Norse word ‘sala’ which then filtered through to Old English as well. According to etymonline.com it means this: late Old...
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