A Quick Guide to Sales Improvement

A Quick Guide to Sales Improvement

Something is happening in the world of sales improvement.For context, this is to do with straightforward training (yes I know everything is connected, but bear with me).Imagine you need some sales training for your team….❓ Do you set a budget and work to it? ❓...
Is The Peter Principle Affecting your Sales Team?

Is The Peter Principle Affecting your Sales Team?

Are you about to promote someone within sales? Possibly to Sales Manager?Watch out then, that you are not falling foul of the Peter Principle…. it’s well known, but not necessarily by name.So what is it?It was created by Lawrence J PeterThe Peter principle...
When prospecting – should I stay or should I go?

When prospecting – should I stay or should I go?

I made a prospecting call. He picks up and actually answers with his own name (that’s already a win!) I tell him my name and remind him how we know each other, BUT it is tremendously noisy. It sounds like it is a heated meeting! I say ‘it is super noisy...
How to deal with disappointment in sales

How to deal with disappointment in sales

How do you deal with disappointment, either in yourself or in your sales team? Because, sure as eggs is eggs, disappointment will come – especially in a sales role. And the trouble with disappointment is that it’s deflating – think about it, when you...
Are you too boring when you’re prospecting?

Are you too boring when you’re prospecting?

Well are you boring?And does it even matter?Well if you are prospecting it does!What’s in YOUR inbox? What about the message section on this platform?It’s likely to be thousands of generic messages because people have been taught a ‘magic’...
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