Are you SWOT-ing enough?

Are you SWOT-ing enough?

What’s this about SWOT-ing enough? That’s not bad grammar by the way – the eagle-eyed amongst you will realise I am referring to that wonderful tool, The SWOT Analysis. When I am working one to one with a client to improve their sales performance, I like to take...
How to use a simple agenda for a sales meeting

How to use a simple agenda for a sales meeting

When you are in a sales meeting, how do you start it – for example, do you have an agenda? (I don’t mean ‘agenda’ as in a deep dark objective – that would be wrong!) Instead, I mean a simple structure for what will follow. As the...
What is the modern sales landscape?

What is the modern sales landscape?

So what exactly is the modern sales landscape? There is so much hyperbole spoken out there about sales, so clear your mind and take a really good look at this list. Even within the last 5 years or so, the sales landscape has changed hugely. There are lots of factors...
20 Powerful quotes from Zig Ziglar

20 Powerful quotes from Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar was one of the best motivational speakers on the subject of sales. Even though the last time he spoke professionally was in 2010, anyone who has heard of him invariably responds with a smile, particularly those of us who work in sales. Here are 20 of his...
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